Vipers Den
Part One
Piper & Kade
J B Heller
Pub September 10th 2014
by Author Self Pub
ARC for Review
I’m Piper Jones, owner and operator or Vipers’ Den; a hair and beauty salon catering to the unconventional. My clients are often referred to as: eccentric, freaks, or misfits.
I’m also single, a fact my mother is less than pleased with. Making it her mission to change my status, she continually sets me up on dates with her friend’s offspring. Only her roster of “gems” is dwindling. Each date is worse than the last.
Then Kade Benson, the one man I have loathed for as long as I can remember, approached me with the most asinine (borderline genius) plan I’d ever heard to rectify both of our situations.
As ludicrous as it is, it might just work.
However, I never expected things to work out the way they did.
*This book contains sexual situations and is not intended for audiences under 18 years of age.
**This is the first in a five part series of sexy novella's following the staff members of Vipers Den. Each book is it's own story, not a continuation of the first.
Books to follow in this series~
Each book is approx 120 pages in length and is its own individual story.
Vipers Den Part Two~ Pixie & Jake
Vipers Den Part Three~ Tay & Nate
Vipers Den Part Four~ Tempest & Taj
Vipers Den Part Five~ Mish & Reagan

DAYUM! No, She Didn't!! Piper'll Show Her!
Ahhhhh!! OMG so… love, love, love, love, insta love, add some more loves, and you’ve got just about all of my feels for these characters the writing and the story!!!

Talk about jumping right in!! Its like the 1st sentence and BAM! You're in the thick of things.

This book is a great way to spend an afternoon lounging and wanting to enjoy a fun and sexy read. Like I mentioned earlier the characters were all great. I fell in love with Piper right away she is a no SH&# in charge kind of girl. Kade is…

He was amazing and once he really admitted his feelings it was super endearing to see. There aren’t any overly shocking things that happen…Everything works out pretty quickly. Something that is true for all novellas when they are really really good? I WANT MORE!!! Gah!! I wan’t to know all about Piper’s brother and the receptionist, Kade’s mom, Piper’s mom, Kade & Piper, Piper & Kade! So many things! I was pretty bummed about that.

Like I said this was super cute, super short, but a great little story none the less. I’m looking forward to continuing this series and hope to see some more of Kade and Piper along the way.

My Rating
4.0 Proposition, Blind Dates, Overbearing Mom, Salon, Crazy Ex, Cherry, Loaner, Lunch Date, Dinner Date, One Night, Shower, Suits, Tats, Hair, Doppelgänger, Gun, Krav Maga, Beach, Ten Years First and Forever Love filled Stars!
About The Author
J B Heller is a simple little housewife from Cairns, Australia, with a wicked good imagination. She is the mother to three crazily cute kids and the wife of a Sexy Arse Tree Lopper. She is also baby sister to a Certified Nutbag, a Linesman and a Fireman.
Eliza spends her days running around after her kids and jotting down stories that come to her at inconvenient moments in her leather, flower embossed notebook. (She is very particular about her stationary.) Or in her iPhone or iPad or whatever she can get her hands on. (Damn kids keep running off with her stationary.) When the kids are napping nine times out of ten, you will find Eliza sitting at her computer typing as fast as she can while she can. Generally with her phone wedged between her shoulder and ear bouncing ideas off her sister.
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