A Slither of Hope
(Angel Sight #2)
Lisa M. Basso
Pub August 5th 2014
by Month9Books
ARC for Review
Rayna struggles to piece her life back together, but hiding in plain sight from the police, the SS Crazy, and the Fallen isn't a foolproof plan—something Kade, the World's Worst Roommate, reminds her of everyday. The late nights of failing to teach Ray how to protect herself against the Fallen are getting to Kade, changing him in ways he doesn't like, and after a family emergency sends Ray back into Cam’s arms, Kade decides he's had enough. News of Rayna's resurfacing brings both angels and the Fallen to San Francisco by the dozens, all eyes scouring the city for the girl with the gray wings. Rayna will need both Kade and Cam's help to ensure her family's safety, navigate the new dangers and enemies springing up all over the city, and manage the surprises that arise with her new set of wings.

Who’s that Tall Creepy Guy With the Sword?
I read Shimmer of Angels last year and though it was a little rough around the edges I was curios to see where the next story would go. Sadly the situation was dire…Ray has gone into hiding and her current life situation seems bleak. I was hoping this would be her break out book like she would go all ninja on everyone. Sadly thats not the case. Even though she has been working with Kade on her fighting skills she is still a lost cause. I would have loved it if there was more of a back story from the first book in the beginning of the second, there wasn't much. Unfortunately I was a little lost at the beginning but the feeling didn’t last too long it just could've been a bit better.
Slither of Hope started out pretty slow for me but then it picked up. Ray was again torn between two boys but didn’t understand why she felt the way she did. I really want her to decide and be happy but that hasn’t happened yet. This book was more revealing we find out who Ray really is, where she came from, and some of her potential. Unfortunately we still don’t know what her purpose is there are some hints at war, and tilting the scales, but nothing concrete. Ray gets her hand on the Angels “history book” if you could call it that…What it said made my mouth fall open, seriously my jaw hit the floor. I could not believe it. I’m not sure why it was in there but get ready for a shock. Kade finally comes clean to Ray and we know where his feelings for her stand so that was good. There isn’t much he wouldn’t do for Ray I just hope she learns to trust and appreciate him more.(she is still confused about her feelings between Kade and Cam)
The ending was pretty wowzers it was an exciting cliffhanger not a bad one. What does that mean? It came at the heals of some pretty shocking revelations and it was like WHAT THE HECK?! Now what?.. Now I wait because I feel like I really need to know what is going to happen. This wasn’t my favorite everyone and everything is completely messed up. Hopefully the next book brings a brighter outcome. My feels about the book I would say the story is interesting enough but there's so much that was...I dunno lacking? Could be better? The character I love the most is Kade. By far and Let me tell you, this guy does some pretty messed up stuff. Thats just my opinion though just because I didn't love it doesn't mean you won't love it either. Its good enough that I want to see how it will all play out, but I'm also not shouting from the rooftops. I'm waiting for that amazing turn around I just hope it comes. Ja Feel?
My Rating
3.0 Hot Cocoa, Grey Wings, Best Friend, Burner Phone, Lola, Blonde Wig, Accident, Prego Hormones, Thanksgiving, Kiss, Angel of Death, Lucien, Kade, Calves, Skull, Blood, Kiss, Hell, For an interesting YA with twists and turns leaving no one to trust. Pick up this book.
About The Author
Lisa M. Basso was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She is a lover of books, video games, animals, and baking (not baking with animals though). As a child she would crawl into worlds of her own creation and get lost for hours. Her love for YA fiction started with a simple school reading assignment: S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. When not reading or writing she can usually be found at home with The Best Boyfriend that Ever Lived ™ and her two darling (and sometimes evil) cats, Kitties A and B.
She's also on twitter @LisaMBasso
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