(Lewiston Blues #2)
By Author Self Pub
Arc for Review
Ross Black is a failure.
He failed to protect his little brother from their past. He failed to keep him out of trouble. And now he’s having trouble holding onto the one girl who gets him. The one who makes him want to act like more of a man and less of an asshole. But he has a choice to make--take care of his brother or take care his heart. It's not an easy decision especially considering he's finally done something he never thought was possible: Fall in love.
Sheila Carlson is a lost cause.
She lost her sister. She lost her dream. And now she’s about to lose the one person she can count on. The one who makes her forget the worst parts of her life. When she learns a truth about her sister, she must decide what's more important, doing what’s right or what feels good.
Despite their issues, Sheila and Ross have something. It’s real. It’s raw. It’s probably wrong. But they’re determined to hold on for as long as they can. Especially if it means letting go of the things they’d rather forget.

The Way I See It
After reading Because of Luke I was very excited about Blackout…Things left off pretty dreary I won’t spoil either of the books in case you haven’t read them but man the ending was bleak. There are so many things I wanted from Luke that he just wasn't ready for ya know? He made a lot of mistakes and by the end of the first Lewiston Blues book he had yet to learn from them. In fact he kinda messes up pretty bad at the end, and causes not only himself pain but also those that mean most to him. He and his brother Ross were victims of their parent’s good intentions. Well you know what they say about the road to hell and what it’s paved with right? Blackout focuses on Ross Black he has serious demons to battle and he is determined to get it right. FX doesn't do daisies and rainbows her writing is gritty and very realistic. Her characters have lots of flaws and they don’t magically do a 180 turn they fall and fall and little by little they seek to find redemption. Ross is no different he had dreams and aspirations all of which he threw away to take care of his brother Luke when their parents were taken away. Losing his dreams Ross turned to a life of girls, parties, and booze. After realizing he and Luke could “make it” he latched on to a different dream. The girls and booze remained but instead of the parties they went on tour. Every decision Ross made lead to the current state of things with Luke and he feels like he has once again let down his brother. Blackout was intense and real…I can’t wait to see what FX has in store for this band of misfits.
B-and, Ross realizes that he can no longer pursue his dream of stardom but now he is broken and doesn't know what to do.
L-ove, seeing Luke in so much pain makes Ross vow to do what he can to restore some sort of happiness to his life no matter the cost.
A-gony, Sheila losing the one thing that mattered most her leaves her in pieces the only solace she finds is in Ross’ arms.
C-oward, Ross knows his life needs to turn and fast. He knows what he needs to do to help Sheila, but losing her frightens him deeply.
K-ind, Cole has been helping Sheila as best as he can now he will help Ross see the way things must be no matter how painful the outcome.
O-pportunity, Ross’ past will make a plea for him and try to push Sheila away. Knowing the decision she has made is final, Sheila will be honest with Ross and help him find a new dream with stability.
U-mbrella, Ross has always been there to protect his brother. Luke realizes his actions are his own and he demands to stand on his own two feet from now on. He made a promise he intends to keep no matter the cost.
T-ruth, Sheila and Ross have been through a lot, so many of their actions were self destructive it took a lot of mistakes and falls to realize where they belong. Their rode hasn’t come to an end it’s just begun.
Sigh…I completely understand FX and the way things are in the end she shows us all of the consequences these beautifully flawed characters have to live with. Life is hard you won’t find anything sugar coated in these pages. It takes everyone quite a long time to realize their mistakes but they work very hard to fix them. They aren’t fully mended but everyone is well on their way. I want Ross and Sheila to find happiness, I want Luke to become the man I know he can be…I want so much!!! Seriously I’m anxiously waiting to see how everything plays out.
My Rating
3.5 Rum, Broken, Intoxicated, Solo, Ex, Renovations, Subpoena, Cabin, Best Friend, College, Boston, Cemetery, Toddler, Love Confession filled stars! For a roller coaster of emotions that will have you at the edge of your seat pick up this gritty novel!
I knock but she doesn’t answer. So I take a chance and open the door. She’s sitting at the foot of the bed when I enter and all the lights are on. Like she’s afraid of what might come out the dark if she risks it. She’s perched on the edge of the mattress in nothing but her underwear and one of those thin tank tops she always wears. My body is urging me forward, begging me to sit beside her and wrap her in my arms. But my mind tells me to focus.
Focus on the mission, Ross. This isn’t the time to get distracted.
“Hey,” I say quietly. She doesn’t even flinch. “I just wanted to check on you. See if you’re okay.” I inch forward. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I don’t know what I was thinking.” She blinks her empty gaze shifting from the floor to the wall. “I know that must have been hard. I can’t even imagine.” Taking a few steps forward, I lower myself onto the bed beside her. “I just want to help. And I know I screwed up tonight. I was distracted by all this stuff with the club opening and I wasn’t thinking straight. I wasn’t focused on you and what you need, like I should have been.” I take her hand, sliding my fingers between hers. I rub my thumb slowly back and forth across her silky skin. “I’ve been here for you from the beginning, Blue. And I’ll always be here. I’m going to make sure you get through this.”
Sheila finally turns her head, her wide, watery blue eyes swallowing me whole. “She’s alone.”
Shit. I move closer and almost as if on instinct, she does the same, crawling into my lap. I force myself to stay neutral—fighting the urge to ease her off my thirsty body while at the same time coaching myself not to fall into old habits. Sheila presses her palm against my cheek and I close my eyes, my resolve quickly melting. Her lips brush slightly against mine and just when I think I’m about to explode, she rests her head against my shoulder and lets out a little sigh.
I brace myself, enjoying this for just a few more minutes before hoisting her up and moving to the side of the bed. I place her down gently, and pull the blankets over her. I know I shouldn’t ask, that it will make an already tough night damn near impossible but… “Do you want me to stay with you?”
She nods.
I make my way across the room and turn off the main light. Then I start to remove my clothing. First my shirt, then my vest. But when I get to my jeans I pause. Crawling into bed half clothed, I reach across to turn out the lamp, but she stops me.
“Leave it on, please?”
“Okay,” I reply. Then I settle next to her, our bodies fitting together simultaneously—the smell of her hair torturing me as I coax myself to sleep.
About the Author
F.X. Scully loves romance, but she doesn't write your typical Happily Ever After. Because let's face it, in the real world, it can sometimes take a lot of angst and pain before you get there. And some of us never do. But since most of us pick up books to escape the real world, her stories don't lack hot boyfriends and sexy encounters. Neither will she leave you completely heart broken, sobbing into a tub of ice cream. Rest assured you'll be on a roller coaster, but you'll be glad you went along for the ride.
F.X. is the author of TWO THOUSAND 3 (November 2013) and BECAUSE OF LUKE (February 2014).
I'm not sure this series is for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting, Ria! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)