Hold Me Tight
(Take Me Know, #3)
by Faith Sullivan
Published: April 24th, 2014
Source: Author
eArc received for honest review
He loves me. He loves me not.
Ivy's heart shatters upon hearing Eric's crushing ultimatum. Despite how much she cares for him, she won't give in to his demands. She has no choice but to leave, even if it's the hardest thing she's ever had to do. She loves me.
She loves me not.
When Ivy walks out, Eric can't help feeling betrayed. Unwilling to put her at risk, he values her safety above all else. By refusing to compromise, he's blindsided when she moves in with a man who's already stolen so much from him.
I love you. You love me not.
Lauren sees Eric and Ivy's split as an opportunity to end their relationship once and for all. When Ivy places herself at the mercy of Eric's rival, Lauren plots to destroy the fragile tie binding them together, even if she endangers Ivy's life in the process.
My Review
Hold Me Tight by Faith Sullivan is the last installment in the Take Me Now series. I have read the previous books in this series and I was anxiously waiting for Hold Me Tight to release because Meant For Me (Take Me Now, #2) ended with a HUGE cliffhanger!! I am so happy about how Faith Sullivan wrote this last installment! I had so many unanswered question from the previous books and Hold Me Tight had the answers to all those questions that were driving me CRAZYYYYYY!
Okie dokie! Where do I start with Hold Me Tight? I can't really say much about the storyline from this installment without giving away what happens in the previous books. You definitely will have to read TMN and MFM before reading HMT. In Hold Me Tight Ivy and Eric are facing some major obstacles. Somebody from Eric's past comes to cause trouble in paradise. Eric will do whatever it takes to make sure history does not repeat itself. Twists and turns, betrayals, lies, jaw-dropping revelations, this book had it all! I was shocked to find out what was behind all the blackmailing that Lauren was doing! She's been a major B**** since the moment she was introduced in TMN and she did not change at all!!! I had a moment of hope while reading the book, but then I got a slap in the face and came back to reality soon enough. One can only dream, right? :P Well, let me tell you that she played a major role in this series and I loved to hate her with a passion! I can only think of two other characters from another series that made me feel that way. One thing is sure, I won't forget about her!
Ivy and Eric are two characters that I have loved from the very beginning! Even if both of them were stubborn at moments, which left me wanting to virtual slap them, they have grown has individuals and has a couple. I loved the way Eric fell in love with Ivy. It was hard for him to accept his feelings at the beginning, but Ivy stole his heart. He found his soulmate. Ivy is remarkable. No matter the obstacles that came her way, she grew stronger and more confident. She gave her heart and soul to Eric and never looked back. They have been through a lot and it was finally time for them to find their well deserved HEA.
I absolutely loved the different POV's in this book! It was great to see some of the characters from the previous books and some new ones as well. I loved Tim! He was a key player in this installment. I wish we could have met him before. I liked the friendship between him and Ivy. She understood him in a way nobody could.
My Rating
I give, Hold Me Tight, by Faith Sullivan 4.5 heart-pumping, touching, page-turning, fantastic stars! I'm sad that this series is over, but I can't wait to see what's next from Faith Sullivan. ;)

About the Author
Faith Sullivan is an author of New Adult contemporary romances including the HEARTBEAT trilogy, the TAKE ME NOW series and the 9/11 novel, UNEXPECTED.
How many POVs are we talking? I usually like two but much more has me missing the other ones. I need to get to this series. Who knows when.