In Her Bones
Bearing Gifts, Book One
Natasha Kingston
Pub February 3rd 2014
by Natasha Kingston
ARC for Review
"In Her Bones" is the first book in an ongoing fantasy adventure series called "Bearing Gifts". Each installment continues the story of a group of 'gifted' people, caught in a world rapidly changing from the one we know into a place of frightening and ancient magic.
Vain, fun-loving Violet Muñoz has nothing on her mind but what to wear to her company's Halloween party and how to juggle all her dates...that is, until something uninvited forces itself into her mind.
Worried and bewildered by what is happening, she feels compelled to ignore her instincts and common sense in favor of complying with this mysterious force, but the results seem to be nothing but trouble.
Just when she thinks she can continue to live her carefree life and simply ignore this unsettling energy, tragedy strikes, and Violet is forced to confront the reality that nothing in her world will ever be the same.
"In Her Bones" is the first installment of the ongoing "Bearing Gifts" series. Each book will be a short, funny, and exciting read that will leave you guessing, with a new volume available for download every 3 to 4 weeks.

The Way I See It
I’m going to start off with one word…Clueless. Yep I think that’s a good word to describe me after reading In Her Bones. I have a million questions so I’m definitely in for the long haul with this series. We meet Violet who is smart and beautiful she lives her life to the fullest and makes no apologies whilst doing so. Novellas are tricky little things because they are so short, connecting to the main characters tends to become difficult. Our main gal Violet is pretty awesome so I had no trouble connecting with her.
N-eighborhood, the streets that surround Violet’s house are full of Halloween decorations this warms Violet’s heart.
H-umor, against her first thought Violet puts herself in an awkward situation with a stranger.
E-merging, things are changing in Violet’s life fear is starting to take hold of her.
R-esigned, confused and incredibly conflicted Violet doesn’t understand why or how her evening turned out the way it did.
B-eginning, Violet makes Sam feel like a very lucky man she is willing to try something new just for him.
O-pen, life is not easy but everyone cares for each other in her household.
N-ews, college is around the corner Violet knows she has to decide something soon.
E-scape, ready to release some steam Violet and her friends will dance the night away.
S-hatter, something bigger than anyone knows is happening. This realization hits Violet so hard she is left barely standing.
The ending had a really shocking cliffhanger but the next novella is out so all is well. The writing was fun and the flow was good. I would have done a few things differently but all in all I enjoyed this read. I wish I could say more w/o giving away any spoilers but everything is linked somehow; I’m looking forward to reading how. Like I said I’m pretty lost but I’m beyond curious so…Ding, ding, ding… Challenge accepted.
My Rating
3.0 Garter, Bartender, Hostess, Spilled Drinks, Orange Pumps, Sparkly Top, Broken Glass, Mystery filled Stars. For a different paranormal with a lot of mystery pick up this series!!
In Her Arms
Bearing Gifts, Episode Two
Natasha Kingston
Published March 14th 2014
by Author Self Pub
ARC for Review
"In Her Arms" is the second episode in an ongoing fantasy adventure series called "Bearing Gifts". Each installment continues the story of a group of 'gifted' people, caught in a world rapidly changing from the one we know into a place of frightening and ancient magic.
Stephanie Graham has always been better with computers than she's been with people. As someone extremely advanced for her age, she's used to being different, and being alone. Then, she meets Charles.
When her intelligence seems to skyrocket after a series of strange occurrences, Stephanie is determined to harness her newfound power to hold onto the love of her life. But Stephanie is trying to control forces she doesn't understand, and her mysterious abilities come with a terrible price.
Can she undo the damage without destroying the very thing she loves?
"In Her Arms" is the second installment of the ongoing "Bearing Gifts" series. Each episode will be a short, exciting read that will leave you guessing, with a new volume available for download every 3 to 4 weeks.

The Way I See It
Holy severe and slightly disturbing cliffhanger batman!! Oh.M.Gee!! Okay I must say Stephanie made my heart melt. I connected with her right away. Charles was really sweet too. I'm most definitely looking forward towards seeing where Ms Kingston is going to take these characters. I'm afraid everyone is broken at the moment and I hope with time everything will be resolved.
N-aive, Charles confesses to Steph a secret that will inevitably crush them.
H-ope, love can do a many wondrous things Charles makes Stephanie see things differently.
E-ncourage, Stephanie's intelligence grows she hopes to preserve her love.
R-achel, Stephanie's sister acts out of anger and it will change her family dynamic.
A-lone, Stephanie doesn't know what friendship is but she vows to change things.
R-egret, Charles does not mean to hurt Stephanie but no matter what their time together is precious.
M-agical, two hearts will unite and create a bond that no one can ever break.
S-urprise, in the midst of pain and despair Stephanie will face a ghost she thought was long gone.
Wow that ending was killer. I'm looking foreword to seeing where these mysterious powers will lead Stephanie. In the previous novella we left Violet I am looking forward to seeing how their paths will cross and why. I'm left with many many burning questions I can't wait to find out the answers. I'd say I'm pretty hooked I look forward to following Ms Kingston's books as they are released.
My Rating
3.0 Computer, Cancer, Cheetos, Coffee, Kiss, Love, Hospital, Parting Gift, Mystery Filled Stars. For an interesting read full of Mystery and paranormal flare pick up this series.
About The Author
Natasha Kingston is the author of "Bearing Gifts", a fantasy/paranormal adventure series. The first episode in the series, called "In Her Bones", is focused on Violet Muñoz and a series of strange occurrences that will change her life and the lives of millions of others. The second episode, entitled "In Her Arms", tells the story of Stephanie Graham and how her own uncontrolled abilities can be potentially devastating to herself and those she loves. The ongoing series will be divided into seasons of 10 episodes each, and will be at least 3 seasons long. The story is sprawling, epic, and unpredictable, so get ready for a crazy ride!
In addition to writing, Natasha is the co-creator of the podcast "UNspoiled!", which reviews books chapter by chapter, and television shows episode by episode. The first series covered was "A Song Of Ice And Fire", by George RR Martin, and the current program being covered is "Breaking Bad". She also has her own solo podcast series called "Natasha's Spoiler Hour", where she reviews Scandal and The Walking Dead, complete with a lot of swearing and ranting.
Natasha loves bright colors, cooking, holiday decorating, lipstick, sex, red wine, and talking. She is a devout follower of Beyonce, and would one day like to attend San Diego Comic Con as a VIP so that she can meet Peter Dinklage and have a drink with Norman Reedus.
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Oooh, I really like the sounds of this! I will be adding it to my wishlist for sure. Great reviews.
ReplyDeleteMy gosh! It seems like this series is giving you strong feelings, Ria! The fact the first left you clueless and the second had a disturbing cliffhanger has me intrigued.
ReplyDeleteGreat reviews!
Um...clueless AFTER reading it? Pass.