(Nephilim Rising #1)
J. Lynn
Pub September 17th 2013
by Entangled: Edge
Source: Purchased
GoodReads Summary
Between the pissed off creatures that want demon-hunter Lily Marks dead and the fallen angel who just...wants her, Lily is about ready to trade in forever for a comfy job in a cubicle farm.
The fact that she and Julian are civil to one another is enough to have her thrown out of the Sanctuary, but she can't shake her not-so-angelic stalker or how he brings her dangerously close to ecstasy.
Her forbidden relationship with Julian provides the perfect fuel for suspicion when a traitor is discovered to be working within the Sanctuary. Lily quickly finds herself hunted by well, everyone.
Her only hope is to discover the real traitor before she loses everything--and she'll need Julian's help. That is, if Julian is really there to help her...and not destroy her.
Yeah, being a Nephilim isn't everything it's cracked up to be

Mini Reviews
Unchained, by J. Lynn, was an action-packed, mesmerizing, and utterly amazing read! I cannot wait to continue this series! It's nice to have a go to author, that you know will never disappoint you, and Jennifer L. Armentrout/J. Lynn has become that for me. I don't care if she writes Contemporary, Erotica, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, or Fantasy. Anything that she writes, I will read!
Unchained featured, Lily Marks! I loved Lily! She was independent, strong, courageous, loyal, and kick-A**! She was a Nephilim, meaning that her father had been an angel and her mother had been human. After her mother died at a young age, she was taken into the sanctuary, a safe place that housed Nephilim, a school, training facilities, and much more. She was trained as a demon hunter, and was one of the very best! All of her friendships consisted of other Nephilium, and her whole life centered around her job. However, Lily was lonely, and I felt so bad for her.
Julian was a fallen angel, and my oh my, was he delicious! He was smooth, sexy, intriguing, and unbelievably charming! Julian had his eyes set on Lily and often came to her rescue in life threatening situations. Lily found herself falling in love with Julian, but did not know if she could trust him. Her good friend Anna had made the mistake of falling in love with a fallen angel, and it had cost her her life. She was trained to believe that fallen angels were the enemy, and if she was ever around one, she was to try to kill them.
Officer Michael Cons was also a large part of this story. Lily had discovered that he was a Nephilim accidentally, and was given the task of training him. I liked Michael! He was a bit clueless about the situation, but handled it well. He did his best during training, and the way he persevered garnered much respect from his peers. He got along well with Lily, and was a good guy. You'll be happy to know that there wasn't a love triangle in this story. Michael's character served a completely different purpose.
I loved Unchained for so many reasons! I loved that the plot completely hooked me, as I tried to figure out if Julian really cared about Lily, or if he was using her. I loved how there was an enemy in the highest circle of the Nephilium betraying them by working with the fallen, and I had fun trying to figure out who the traitor was. I loved all of the sweet and romantic moments between Lily and Julian, as well as the sexy, and smoking hot moments that they shared! I loved the secondary characters, and really felt like I got to know Nathaniel, Luke, Remy, and Rafe. Their personalities really shone throughout the story, and they played their roles well.
I give, Unchained, by J. Lynn, 4 Amazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Unputadownable Stars! Read this if you are looking for a great Urban Fantasy Read!
This was written in 2008?! It wasn’t published till Sep 2013!! The world has been missing out thats for sure. Jennifer Armentrout is one of a kind she is writing like 5 different series at once! Thats talent I find it difficult to read 2 books at the same time, can you imagine creating 5 worlds with different characters? Its just crazy!! I am a huge fan of her Covenant series and her more racy stuff…This promised amazing things and it meets all expectations!
I fell in love with Lily, Julian, and Michael right away. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the fact that even though there are plenty of swoon worthy guys there is no crazy love triangle. Don’t get me wrong I love the love triangles even though I always pick the wrong guy. Lily was kick A$$ her quirk, loyalty, and fierce devotion was admirable. Julian well, aside from being oober dreamy loving and protective he was PERFECT for Lily! Michael lol I seriously wanted to shake him but in the end he came through and I’m looking forward to more!
Don’t fear y'all this doesn’t have the usual brutal cliffhanger that we are all accustomed to with Armentrout may haps it has to do with the fact she is writing as J Lynn. What this did have was lots and lots of super Sexy Steam! Wow J. Lynn knocks that out of the park, Im still blushing. The ending left enough unresolved that has me panting for more but no one is hanging by a thread at the end of a cliff.
My Rating
4.0 Cheese Burger, Peace Officer, Milk Shake, Clock Tower, Training, Names, Traitor, Love, Kiss, Betrayal, Shocking Truth, Blissful Reunion, Love Filled Stars! For a super sexy paranormal read pick this up now!
Thrilling, fast-paced and captivating are just a few words that could describe Unchained by J. Lynn! I discovered J.Lynn only last year when I read Wait For You. I absolutely fell in love with her writing style and I've been trying to get up-to-date with all of her books. One book was all it took to add her to my auto-buy authors list! When I pick up one of her books I know without a doubt that I'm about to embark on an unforgettable reading escape.
In Unchained, we follow Lily who is a Nephilim (Dad was an angel/Mom was a human) and Julian a fallen angel. After her mom dies, Lily is left alone. The Sanctuary, which is a place where all the Nephilim can call home, welcomes her and trains her to become one of the best the Sanctuary has ever had. Has a Nephilim she knows that fallen angels are the enemy, but when Julian constantly saves her life and watches over her she falls hard for him. Julian can't go control what he feels for Lily. It's pure, raw and intense. He wants her and he will do everything in his power to show her how much she means to him. Even if Lily has a hard time trusting him, he stays by her side even when everybody is set on pulling them apart. Their bond is strong, but their journey to be together is filled with rules, betrayals, unexpected new enemies and consequences.
I don't read much paranormal/urban fantasy books, but when J.Lynn writes, I read! I really have to be craving that genre. Lily and Julian are exactly the kind of characters I look for in this genre. Strong characters with an amazing chemistry. Lily had this love/hate relationship with Julian. She wanted him bad, but she had trouble trusting him since he's a fallen angel. Julian got under her skin like nobody ever did! He's confident, captivating and might I add, wickedly delicious! The plot was very well developed and I was hooked from the very beginning. The addition of Michael in the story (an office who discovers he's a Nephilim) was really interesting. I really loved this part of the story and I also found myself bitting my nails when I was trying to figure out who was the traitor in the Sanctuary. I would have never expected that person to be the traitor.
I give, Unchained, by J.Lynn 4 Action packed, fun, heavenly, Delicious Stars!! If you want to read an awesome Urban Fantasy book, I highly recommend Unchained!
Ria: What up chickies?!!
Lindy: hola!
Mikki: Phew! I made it :)
Lindy: :)
Mikki: Hi mamasitas!
Ria: Alright alright ladies, Apparently Ro’s not coming...something about being too cool for us or something like that ;)
Lindy: LOL
Mikki: Lol!
Ria: who's ready to kick it? this week we are talking about a sexy new Paranormal read by J Lynn
Mikki: Ready!!!!
Lindy: Me too!
Ria: OMG FiRST Q!! Who knew this was written in 2008?!!
Lindy: I thought it was written more recently!
Mikki: Not me!!! I was shocked when I read that it was her second book and that she wrote it in 2008
Ria: How does that make y'all feel about the publishing world? and J Lynn's patience?
Lindy: Well, I can't believe it takes such a long time to get a book marketed! I guess that's part of the reason author's are self publishing!
Mikki: :P
Ria: RIGHT?!! I've heard of Authors pulling their rights back from a pub because self pubbing is easier
Mikki: Is that the reason why it came out recently?
Ria: Usually it is, theres another book of hers a pub is holding hostage...she's not even allowed to talk about it!!
Mikki: Ohhhhh, for real? How exciting!!!!
Lindy: I've got a question! There are a lot of Angel stories on the market! Did you girls think this story was the usual, or different from other stories you've read on the same subject?
Ria: I'd say it was more trashy not in a bad way just painting Angels in a bad light
Mikki: I think it was similar to what I have read before, but I still loved it!
Ria: AHEM LINDY you mean there is NOT ENOUGH Angel stories on the market
Lindy: LOL
Lindy: Well for you there could never be enough! LOL
Mikki: I agree with Ria ... We need more sexy angels to make us swoon!
Ria: Great minds ladies...Great minds(you know what they say)
Ria: ;;)
Lindy: Oh yes! I agree ladies! I would love to see more New Adult stories centered around angels!
Mikki: I have a question!!!!! Q: Without saying any names .... Did you suspect that ....... was a backstabbing son of !"/$%?&&&
Ria: YES!!!!!! I knew when he requested that reassignment!!! and that other nameless douche when he gets into a fight with my girl it was like confirmation
Lindy: Oh yes!!!! I figured it out at the very begininng!!!!
Ria: OHHHHHH THEN when She was mad at my boyfriend I was YELLING at her…YELLINg..LIKE THIS!!! YELLING...
Mikki: It took me some time ... I really believed he was a good guy. @Ria’s comment about her boyfriend…Poor Julian :(
Lindy: I think he started out as a good guy, but went a little crazy!
Ria: OOOOOH you said a name...Naughty
Mikki: She needed a virtual bee slap ... I gave her one.
Ria: dude i gave her a virtual stab wound
Lindy: Did you girls think Julian was just using Lily or he was really in love with her?
Mikki: Oh, he was in love!!!!!!
Lindy: I thought he was in love, but in the back of my mind, I kept wondering if was what he appeared?
Ria: I know what you mean Like WHY her what made her so special...
Mikki: Q: Did anybody have a craving for a burger after reading this book? I did !!!!
Lindy: LOL
Ria: Girl I've had a craving for a burger since Ash Wednesday
Lindy: I had a craving for someone to call me, "My Lindy" LOL
Mikki: These authors are ruining my foods!!!!
Mikki: Oreos, marshmallows, jello .... oufff!
Lindy: Not You silly!
Lindy: Julian! sigh....
Ria: oh sorry i don't have wings and an 8pack
Ria: lol ;)
Lindy: exactly!
Mikki: tehehe!
Ria: Mikki!! Jello SHOTS!!! wheres my thief?
Mikki: He's with Livie <3
Lindy: Wrong book missy!!!
Mikki: We're nuts!!!! For our book boyfriends!!!
Ria: lol sorry all roads lead back to my Mediterranean underwear model
Mikki: lmao!!!!
Ria: okay ladies QUESTION If you had Angel wings what color would yours be and why
Mikki: purple!!!!!Cause the color purple just makes me happy is that not enough? lol!!!
Lindy: Baby Blue because that's my favorite color! What about you Ria?
Mikki: What color would you pick, Ria?
Ria: Mine would be white and then towards the tips they'd change color into an indigo and all of the colors of the sky...because theres nothing quite as beautiful as a sunrise and if i could fly i would want that beauty to be a part of me
Mikki: pfffft!
Ria: lol
Lindy: Great Answer!!!
Mikki: lol!!!
Ria: dude what can i say...i'm a sap…DONT let me see a Rainbow i might shed a tear and marvel at the world
Lindy: :)
Mikki: :D
Mikki: Q: Do you think Michael will get his own book? I lovedddddd him"""
Lindy: I don't think so. I think the story will continue as is, but Michael will play a major role
Ria: I loved him at 80% the first 79% i wanted to virtually stab him, I think he's going to be a MAJOR character this next book but at this rate we won't know till 2019
Lindy: Did you guys guess the mystery behind Michael before it was revealed?
Ria: yes!!! down to the identity, but not until she called her cop friend
Mikki: Nope! I was surprised by what was revealed about him
Lindy: I guessed it near the middle of the book!
Mikki: I want to be like you girls when I grow up! ;)
Ria: Who thinks theres more to Julian than meets the eye
Lindy: I do!!!!
Mikki: I do! If there is one thing that I would have loved in this book it would have been his POV. He's captivating!
Lindy: Nathaniel wasn't worried about Julian, so I think he knows more about him, then we as the readers do...
Lindy: I didn't understand why Lily couldn't have sex with Gabe, but could with Julian..
Ria: Oh yea prob cause that is just too close and as warriors you can’t get close like that to one and other.
Mikki: Tsk! Tsk! Lindy!!!!
Ria: I'm dying to see whats up with that contract...
Mikki: Riaaaaaaa! Shush!!!!
Mikki: Q: What did you think of Lily?
Ria: um i pretty much love her and my heart literally got virtually stabbed at the end for her
Lindy: I thought Lily was kick a**!!! She was strong, independent, and awesome!!!! I just felt so bad about her lonliness, and wondered if she regretted her decision about signing the contract.
Lindy: Which fallen angel did you think was the scariest? Baal or Asmodeus?
Mikki: baal
Ria: Baal or Asmodeus what?
Mikki: Asmodeus was more powerful, no?
Ria: the most powerful is supposed to be Asmodeus... but honestly I think its Julian…SPOILER… Julian fell from grace for a different reason so i think he has more powers than the rest but he's angry so he lets ASMO do what he wants
Ria: does anyone have a fav scene?
Mikki: The scenes that I liked are rated R ... lol!!!
Lindy: LOL…Go for it!!!
Ria: pow chicka pow wow!!
Lindy: My fav. scenes were R Rated! LOL
Mikki: Mr. Julian is quite the Dirty Talker, eh?
Ria: NAUGHTIES!! in the House!!
Lindy: He sure is!!!
Lindy: hiheho!!!
Mikki: I can bring you more pleasure than any of them ..
Ria: pahahahahahah
Mikki: lol!!!!!
Ria: edit edit edit...yea that J Lynn she's my hero!!!
Lindy: Julian was pretty jealous of Gabe too!
Ria: OH M G yep i loved that
Lindy: Little did he know, Gabe was no competition!
Lindy: Did you guys think Julian was a little bit stalkerish?
Mikki: No, he was protecting her
Ria: NOPE more like protective and loving! I did think Lily was a bit harsh with him
Lindy: yeah, she was tough!
Ria: but given her level of unfaltering loyalty i can understand her perspective too!
Lindy: I thought it was romantic how his love for her changed him...
Ria: GAH he was awsome
Lindy: Do you guys plan to continue this series?
Ria: okay ladies lets commence the WRAP UP awesome last statements and stars lets give stars and why
Mikki: 4 action packed, fun, heavenly, delicious stars!
Mikki: I need to read more of this genre!!!
Lindy: Me too!
Mikki: I can't wait to see what's next!
Lindy: :)
Lindy: 4 Stars!!!! Sexy, Fast Paced, Kick A** Stars!
Ria: 4 loved the idea the story the premise and the steam another great read from J Lynn
Ria: Me too!!
Mikki: Great minds think alike!
Ria: okay Y'all as ALWAYS I've had a blast!! Hugs Kisses and until next time!!
Mikki: Ciaooooooooooooooooooooo chickas!!!!!
Lindy: Me too! Until next month!!!
Ria: Next Month?! woman you better call me tomorrow Lol ;)
About The Author
# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.
Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.
She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.
Series Website | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
Love the post! I want to read this and soon. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenea! It was a great story!
DeleteI loved your discussion, ladies!
ReplyDeleteI'm always amazed by how quickly Armentrout gets books out, and a lot of people seem to enjoy this one. I'm glad you all had so much fun!
Thank You Andrea! We have so much fun with our discussions!
DeleteCan you believe I have NOT read this book yet! I know, I know. Total blogger fail. This was such a fun post.
ReplyDeleteThanks Val!!!
DeleteI went the whole week just putting books in on my wishlist..and 2 hrs before my Sunday post in which I stated I bought nada books you made me one click buy this. Yep..it's adult, it looks kick-ass and your reviews and chat killed me. Gads!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kim!!!
DeleteLove this post and love the reviews! I so enjoyed this one and I'm glad you all did, too! Definitely a sexy read ;)
ReplyDeleteLoved this post!
I love this post ladies and all of your reviews rock! I remember waiting for this book forever! I saw it get a cover, get pushed back, get a new cover, get pushed back two more times lol and then finally I got my hands on it and it did not disappoint. I loved Lily and Julian so I am glad you guys did too! It makes me happy lol And this "It's nice to have a go to author, that you know will never disappoint you, and Jennifer L. Armentrout/J. Lynn has become that for me. I don't care if she writes Contemporary, Erotica, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, or Fantasy. Anything that she writes, I will read!" ---> SO true Lindy! JLA is that for me too! She rocks!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post!
Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives
Thanks Magen! ;)
ReplyDeleteJLA does Rock!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Teresa ;)