War of Wizards
(Secrets of Shadow Hill #3)
S.P. Cervantes
Pub May 27th 2014
by Center One Publishing
ARC for Review
Ava and Dalton want nothing more than to forget about the danger their love puts them in, and live peaceful lives in Shadow Hill; but that is not their destiny. Evil continues to haunt them, threatening to destroy everything. Volikai’s determination to summon the dark powers that the Originals have kept hidden for centuries before the Prophecy can be fulfilled.
When Patrick finds a new love, and learns of the reason for his powerful connection with Ava, he will stop at nothing to protect those he loves and destroy the evil that has plagued the world since the beginning of time.
Together, they will be faced with unimaginable choices to save the one’s they love as the final secrets of Shadow Hill are revealed.

The Way I See It
Its always bitter sweet when you read the last book of a trilogy because everything feels so final, but at least your beloved characters are all where they should be. Cervantes does this right! Dalton, Ava, Patrick, Hannah, and many more have been through so much and in War of Wizards the action just keeps coming. Again everything starts of pretty tranquil but once the action begins its hard to put this down. Several years have passed and although our characters have matured and found love the “sexy time” is always alluded to. I’d def categorize this installment as YA. This proved to be quite the roller coaster I was smiling all giddy one moment then balling my eyes out the next. Things get pretty dark for my lovelies and there is so much that is lost to them. This final battle proves to be the most difficult they’ve ever faced. Our loves don’t go without loss but everything falls into perfect place so I truly enjoyed that. This is a series that’ll stick with me fo eva!!!
W-asted, so much time apart Dalton feels as though every precious moment without Ava as his wife will be his undoing.
A-far, Patrick has gone on his quest to erase Ava from his heart. Aside from the monsters he will fight he finds true hope that his pull towards Ava will be quelled.
R-esist, an unknown union will take place and this action sets of the motions of the prophecy. Soon everyone will know their role in everything.
O-pportunity, Patrick will introduce everyone to his beloved Kathleen and all will discover a secret that will ensure the prophecy is completed.
F-ear, being separated from Ava is not something Dalton can stand but he cannot risk her safety. Patrick, Dalton, and Hannah will head out on journey to retrieve clues towards completing the prophecy.
W-arning, Patrick has lost so much, an agonizing jolt through his soul will nearly break him completely. No one saw yet another loss for patrick coming.
I-ndividual, Daltons house holds a precious secret no one must ever find out about. Patrick and Dalton await the location of the final instrument they will need to vanquish evil.
Z-ealous, pained by their own betrayal there is someone among Ava and Dalton with evil intensions.
A-dvanced, tucked away and kept secret Ava and Hannah must run but losing your love is very hard.
R-ealization, everything and everyone is in play. The lines have been drawn these brave wizards will honor those fallen with victory!
D-reams, it has taken many years, and many struggles, a time for mourning and a time for celebration is upon all wizards.
S-peech, Patrick knows what is in his heart truly through the haze and the calling of ancient spells he now sees his one true love and she sees him.
GAH!!!! There were quiet a few doozies in this one! Definitely emotional and full of surprises! I loved hearing about the history of their covens and we learned in full detail the prophecy. It wasn’t automatic roses everyone endured a painful loss, but we were left with hope and love! Cervantes builds an extraordinary world I enjoyed every aspect of this wonderful series.
My Fav’s
thats all I can say because I don’t want to give anything away but I loved the way everything was left off
My Rating
4.5 Wedding, Lake, Wedding, Hut, Visit, Bellies, Spell, Swords, Clues, Wands, Gremlins, Blood, Birthday parties, Grave, Wands, Portal, Battle, Heart, Grand Wizard, Babies, One Knee, Love filled Always and Forever STARS!!! For a fun read about Wizards and adventure pick up this series asap!
The Prophecy
(Secrets of Shadow Hill #2)
S.P. Cervantes
Pub November 19th 2013
by Center One Books
ARC for Review
Ava Fox has spent the past year acclimating to her new life as a wizard of Shadow Hill. Over the past year, her connection with Dalton has only grown stronger. They share a bond she has never known and can't explain.
The danger is still there, even after the Sabatino coven was defeated, and Ava's future is anything but sure. Her powerful relationship with Dalton continues to make others wonder about the Prophecy, and their place in it. Time and again Ava's loyalty and strength will be put to the test as she fights for those she loves. There are many more secrets of Shadow Hill that will be revealed in The Prophecy.

The Way I See It
The Prophecy was EXCALENTE! and a bit CALIENTE! Lol so last we left the wizards of Shadow Hill things seemed to be good for now…fast foreword one year since that fateful battle and that brings you to the beginning of this installment. At first I thought wait this is too good to be true then I was waiting for the ball to drop and I did not expect it! I’m an honest fan of this series at this point and I’m looking forward to seeing where it all goes.
T-ime, Patrick need’s plenty of it along with a bit of distance to accept what he knows to be true to his heart.
H-elp, being back home though for a short time Ava and Hannah will take this gift to spend it with those she holds dear.
E-nvy, an unlikely foe lurks in the shadows waiting for the perfect time to strike guided by evil and power he may prove to be more dangerous than any other.
P-romise, Patrick has always loved Ava this will never change he will see to it that Ava remain safe at all costs.
R-estrain, Dalton wants to do so much guided by his heart but his great strength will show him there is another way.
O-pportunity, Ava will do what it takes to prove everyone wrong and showcase her strength. Though torn by what she must do Ava knows this is the best way to protect those she loves.
P-ersecution, cast away and punished long ago someone with the power to save them must come along other wise all will perish.
H-ope, coded messages will be the key to helping Ava break away from a brutal nightmare but she is not sure of what she will find once she comes home.
E-scape, everything has been set in motion all parties will act with the prayer to save those innocent and protection.
C-aution, no one can change the past but Patrick is pretty certain of his future he can no longer keep up the charade.
Y-ielding, With a power unlike any known to hime before figuring what lays out before them is the key.
Tricky tricky tricky this installment proved to be especially difficult for Patrick his love and his heart and his mind are all colliding and creating conflicting thoughts. Things aren’t any easier for Ava. Our main characters are hit hard when the unexpected occurs. The only thing I think I would've preferred is the characters conviction. I’ve felt like everyone is pretty washy with the exception of Dalton. His heart and desires are stone solid he knows who he is what he wants and he will fight for it. I LOVE the character development I feel like these awesome characters I’ve come to care for are starting to come into their powers and becoming leaders. I can’t wait to get started on the next one!
My Rating
4.0 Bricktown, Giants, Proposal, Birthday, Bond, Mountains, Basement, Prophecy, Sergio, Sword, Love Potion, Magic, Proposal, Party, Seconds to lose, Portal, Escape, Revenge Loyal Love filled stars!! Full of heart break and promise this is one I recommend for those that enjoy a fantasy world YA!
Always and Forever
(Secrets of Shadow Hill #1)
S.P. Cervantes
Pub November 13th 2012
by Center One Publishing
ARC for Review
Twin sisters Ava and Hannah were ripped from their peaceful seeming lives into a whirlwind of attacks and war only to learn the real truth about their existence.
Nothing was as it seemed anymore and may never be again. They had already lost their father in childhood now they have to cope with their mother’s kidnapping as they watch those sworn to protect them risk their lives.

The Way I See It
This was a fun new series I’m looking forward to seeing more from these characters Dalton and Ava’s love is breath taking. It’s been a long time since I visited a world of wizardry and it was nice to come back.
A-spiring, Dalton’s main focus has always only ever been the pursuit of knowledge and improving his magic.
L-ies, everything Ava has ever known is about to crumble before her. Life as she knows it will never be the same for her and her sister Hannah.
W-ise, Connor has lead his coven for a very long time in peace he wishes the treaty forged 100 years ago to remain intact.
A-va, so many people love her and Hannah everyone will stop at nothing to see they are safe and reunited with their mother.
Y-ears, so long ago a father sacrificed his life in order to keep his daughters safe far away from the hands of evil.
S-acrifice, Dalton will forsake his feelings for Ava out of respect. Connor has warned Dalton of the love Ava shares with Patrick.
A-iden, never backing down from a fight Daltons best friend is a true warrior. Falling for Hannah wasn’t something that was planned but the chemistry they share is undeniable.
N-emesis, the Sabatino coven is full of powerful and evil wizards they will stoop to many lows inciting war if they must.
D-estiny, Ava and Hannah are the true chosen ones their capacity of love is what fuels their power.
F-riends, surrounded by everyone at Shadow Hill Ava and Hannah will discover their true home and where their hearts belong.
O-pportunity, Patrick knows all is lost to him his love never belonged to him. Connor warned Patrick long ago yet he made the decision to stay.
R-esolve, with the help of some very powerful wizards Ava and Hannah will tap into their powers like never before.
E-scape, an impending confrontation is soon to take place. There will be nowhere to run. The love and magic of a father will hold the key to everyones absolution.
V-oice, though young and inexperienced Ava and Hannah will show everyone their strength, losing loved ones is never easy, that will never change.
E-nveloped, love is the purest and most powerful of all magic for a wizard finding true love is rare. Ava swears to do what it takes to hold on to hers.
R-eprieve, a new family is born of friendships alliances and unions. Avenging his death has brought peace, evil has been stopped for now.
You cant see inside my head but I’m totally doing a happy dance right now! I’m looking forward to more from these lovely and charming characters I cant wait to see what Cervantes has in sTore.
My Rating
4.0 Jersey Shore, Fun House, Tree, Cottage, Tea, Dock, Guitar, Piano, Warm Embrace, Bonding Ceremony, Ambush, White Light, Painting, Ball, Silver, Wands, Diamonds, Shadow Hill, Glass Windows, Deep Kiss, Prophecy, Epic, Eternal Love filled stars! What a great way to start a new series this was a really fun read check it out!!
About The Author
S.P Cervantes lives in Orange County, California with her husband and three children, where she is a teacher. She enjoys spending time with her family, writing, reading, and running, but is always thinking of an idea for her next novel.
S.P. Cervantes is the author of the highly rated New Adult Romantic Fantasy series Secrets of Shadow Hill. “Always and Forever” and “The Prophecy” are the first two book in the series that are available now. The third book in the series, “War of Wizards” will be released in the summer of 2014.
S.P. Cervantes also has released her first book in a contemporary romance series, “Dust to Dust (A Broken Fairy Tale)”, with the second book of the stand-alone series, “Wished Away,” coming out late August 2014.
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