He Belongs to Me
Theresa Rizzo
By Author Self Pub
ARC for Review
Gr’s Summary
He Belongs to Me is a love story . . . a tale of betrayal and deception and of a young mother's determination to recover what belongs to her.
Forced to leave her baby and tricked into relinquishing her parental rights, four years later Catherine Boyd is back and she'll do anything to regain custody of her son--even reconcile with the husband falsely accused of killing their son's twin.
All in the name of love for a little boy, generations of pain and tragedy are exposed in a courtroom drama.
The Way I See It
My heart goes out to so many characters! Yeesh, talk about crummy circumstances! Some times you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don’t...This was NOT a quick read, this was a complex meal with so many ingredients. This type of meal must be thoroughly digested, I don't recommend you swallow this story whole. Though very interesting, and captivating it seriously needs to be carefully digested. You would kick your self you miss any portion of this book!
H-appy, after years of hard work a mother looks to keep her child.
E-vade, Drew’s grandparents will do everything they can to keep him.
B-rave, Catherine will have to face her past and fight for what she loves.
E-ntrap, Thomas’ heart cannot take anymore turmoil but he will not walk away from his responsibilities.
L-ove, never gone, never lost, just buried, it will take a little boy to unearth it.
O-nly Chance, together will be the only way to fight for their happiness and love.
N-ever again will Thomas and Catherine be victims of their parents. Strong and united they will stand.
G-uiltless, and vile a wretched woman will grasp at straws because thats all she can do.
S-urrender to each other a great gift and a great sacrifice will come to the Boyd’s in a tiny package.
T-ruth’s a bared soul, a broken mother, a furious father. This family has come full circle.
O-pportunity a glimmer of hope stands to grant Catherine what she has fought so hard for, all these years.
M-ortified, a judge, a courtroom, two family’s, all of the deceit and secrets come out...
E-arned again what should have always been...Now comes the healing.
This book will bring out powerful emotions.
You’ve been warned.
Seriously, there are some characters that will move you, ahem *Thomas.* Characters who's hearts will sing to you *Drew and Catherine* and those you just love because they are candid and that necessary support *Sandy and Laura.* He belongs to me was a story of the power of love, broken apart and rebuilt stronger than ever. A family so broken that not even the pure love of an innocent could bring together. There was a trial in the story...I enjoyed that thoroughly. Laura, Catherine’s lawyer was absolutely awesome, candid, and a fighter. I was their cheerleader from the beginning!
My Fav’s
An amazing soul, loving, kind, gentle, sincere, I wanted to hand her the moon. Her parents where foul people and I especially wanted to rip her mothers throat out...Harsh? Yea, but you’ll feel the same once you read it. Wretched woman! Ugh, I honestly don’t think I would have had the same strength Catherine had. Life has thrown some really awful things her way, yet she deals and maintains. She is admirable in every sense of the word.
Wow!! At first your like all anti Thomas cause it’s like where in the H has this a hole been?! Love truly is a powerful thing, Thomas’ heart stays true! Eeeep!! as Does Catherine’s!! Eeeep!! Sigh!! GAAAHHH!! Together they FIGHT! I love it! I LOVE Thomas, we find out some shocking things that cement what a truly amazing man he is. We also find out that he never left and his heart has belonged to his family, THE.ENTIRE.TIME...*SAAHHWOON!*
My Rating
4.0 Graduation, Failed reunion, Deceit Unveiled, New House, Second Chance, Ambitious Lawyer, Vindictive Hussy, Elissa, Paramedic Training, Broken Fever, Ice cream Sunday, Bared Soul Filled Stars! For a more mature audience, and those craving a slower pace, this book is for you! :)
About The Author

Theresa Rizzo
An award-winning author who writes emotional stories that explore the complexity of relationships and families through real-life trials. Born and raised in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, she currently lives outside of Boulder, Colorado with her husband of thirty years. She’s raised four wonderful children who are now scattered across the country.

Theresa Rizzo
An award-winning author who writes emotional stories that explore the complexity of relationships and families through real-life trials. Born and raised in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, she currently lives outside of Boulder, Colorado with her husband of thirty years. She’s raised four wonderful children who are now scattered across the country.
Connect With Ms Rizzo

WOW. Thanks for the amazing, thorough review, Ria! I'm so glad you enjoyed this story. Thomas, I think, was my favorite character too, even though he was dumb in the beginning, but boys mature slower than girls and . . . well, they are . . . boys and prone to being a little . . . you know. But the fact that he had a bigger "learning curve" won me over. And his heart was always in the right spot. Catherine is just somebody I want to hug and want for a best friend. Thanks again!