Blind Obsession
Ella Frank
April 7th 2013
Author Self Published
ARC Winner
18+ Mature Content
Gr’s Summary
Obsession, defined as the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image or desire....
Chantel Rosenberg's passion for music and life had never shone brighter than the time she spent in Bordeaux France. It's a time when feelings arose and desires ran deep, a time that fundamentally changed her life.
A man living in seclusion, Phillipe Tibideau is haunted and plagued by memories he cannot disregard. Choosing to live a quiet life in his Chateau surrounded by the vineyards of France, he's left his passion for art behind.
However, the time has arrived to tell his side of a tale. A tale that has depicted him as a 'beautiful monster' and he's finally allowing someone close.
Close enough to ask questions. Questions he's not sure he wants to answer. Questions about her.
For up and coming journalist Gemma Harris, the pursuit of truth is what drives her and when a job of a lifetime presents itself there is nothing in the world that will stop her from taking it. Even if it does mean leaving her home for several months to stay at Chateau Tibideau, with him.
This is a story of what happens when three passionate lovers collide and the desire for truth, art and music merge.
Chateau Tibideau is a place full of unanswered questions, dark sinful desire and a beauty so hauntingly sad it will have you wondering how you will ever leave the same....
The Way I See It
There are very few books or words that other people write or say that will stay with you forever...Blind Obsession was beyond words, hauntingly powerful, and passionate, this story will leave an imprint on your soul. Perfection, beautiful, and unrelenting perfection that will permeate within you for the rest of your existence. This is a story that is raw and moving. It will hypnotize you, and you will walk away a different person.
B-eauty, beyond words he is captivated by her, and she feels his soul near.
L-ove, without measure without restrain, total abandon.
I-nnocence, ethereal, his angel forever in his heart, and forever in his soul.
N-othing will ever or can ever compare to her.
D-esire, unexplainable, strange, and intense. He will stop at nothing.
O-dious, people have made him out to be a monster. He feels the same for himself.
B-eseechingly, to trust, to be let in, she wants him to see her. Finally and fully. She needs him to see her.
S-ymphony, though a stage to most, to her it's the window of her soul.
E-nsnare, doomed from the start,their hearts were meant to collide and touch.
S-ensual, her touch will always resonate on his skin, there is no escape.
S-acrifice, with her heart on the line, she lets him in, but has to walk away.
I-ndecision, forgiveness is not something that comes from one person, your heart has to learn to forgive your self.
O-palescent as the moon shines as her skin glows, he will capture his angel forever.
N-eed, to let go, to move on, to fight, to forgive, to love, and to accept. There are so many needs...I am left with want...
GAH!!!!!!!! I LOVED THIS BOOK! SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!! I’ve mentioned before, that I am moved by music and art. Perhaps its the Libra in me, perhaps I am just moved by an enchanting sonata, or the pouring of one's soul on to a canvas. I don’t know what it is, but when there are prose, or art, or music, that is quoted, I am taken to a whole new level. A level where I bask in the author's dedication to the words that have been chosen. Ms. Frank takes this vision and goes further. She embeds music and art into the story! Yep! I said it, right there, within the pages Ms. Frank selects a Piece of music or art that is part of the story. So thoughtful, and so moving, from your kindle all you do is click on the link and you are suddenly transformed and transported! The feelings each note exude, from exciting allegro to a haunting adagio,come directly from my soul. This is so much more than an erotic novel. It is sensual, and it is vehemently raw perfection, and exceptional emotion. I cannot recommend this enough! I can not, and will not give anything away...pick up this book. Open yourself to this beautiful perfection. Make it yours!
My Fav’s
Beautiful, full of life, and passion. One can’t help but love her. Chantel has faced and overcome so much adversary, that her soul shines. Nothing will, or can stop this firecracker! Chantel transcends her soul, and is an unstoppable force.
Is strong and independent, and a woman who knows what she wants, and the path she will take to get there. Stumbling through confusion won't stop Gemma. She is resilient. She does what it takes and suffers through the necessary pain, to complete her task.
AMAZING, so much passion, so broken, and so misunderstood. I want so much for him, I want so much.
My Fav Quotes
“I’m starting to think you might be blind, Mr. Tibideau.” Kindle Loc 245
“I’ve been looking for something, something that will inspire me, Chantel. Something the world will look at and want to cry because it’s so fu**ing beautiful your body just cant help but weep.” Kindle Loc 559
“The minute he thinks about her, everything tumbles back-the desire, the pain, the soul-destroying love. It all ends the exact same way.” Kindle Loc 667
“Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind, and, therefore, is winged cupid painted blind.” Kindle Loc 816
“They merge together to harmonize in a symphony so evocative that I feel it altering my very soul with each separate movement being played.” Kindle Loc 2729
“Don’t let them make a villain out of you. Don’t let them break you.” Kindle Loc 5028
“les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus.” Kindle Loc 5272 translation “The true paradises are paradises we have lost”...
My Rating
Book Trailer

Hellooooooo Mr. Tibideau !!!! Mother.of.God!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to read this book when i'm on vacation. I picked 10 books that I want to read and not be disturbed !!!!
Mikki + Mojito + Beach + Ereader = Perfect vacation :) Oh ya, my hubby is there also, let's not forget him in this perfect vacation :P
Awesome review! I'm positive this one will go in my Top Favorite Books :) Ahhh Paris! <3
Ria!!!!! You're a libra??? Shut the front door!!!! Me 2!!! (Oct 13)
I'm positive this will become one of your fav's!! Soo Good!!! You will zip right through this because though some may try...No one will break you away from Philipe he is captivating...*sigh*
DeleteREALLY?!!! YAY!! H Yes I'm like epitome Libra!... Oct 9 Libra's are awesome!! Haven't met one I didn't like. :)
Let's hear it for Libras!!! I'm a Libra, too! No wonder you keep feeding my TBR faster than I can keep up :) Yep, this one's going on the list. Sounds intense, just the way I like!
DeleteOMG!!! I hope you've read this!! *sigh* I'm still a ball of Goo over this one!! OMG Philipe will forever have a piece of my heart!! Gaaahhhhh!!
Wow, this is a beautiful review...even if I wasn't interested in this particular story before, after reading these words, how could someone NOT check it out?! Thanks for sharing--and the poetry :)
ReplyDeleteMEGAN!! Thank you so much!!! truly it wasn't me at all it was this absolutely beautifully written novel that moved and inspired my words...:)