Monday, April 18, 2016

Book Review: Over the Line (On the Run #2) by Lisa Desrochers

Over the Line
On the Run #2

Lisa Desrochers


April 19, 2016

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GR's Summary:
The USA Today bestselling author of Outside the Lines once again explores love on the edge in an explosive new romance about obsession, betrayal, and a killer attraction. 

Lee Delgado never planned on falling in love with the irresistible Oliver Savoca, son of a Chicago crime lord. Considering that their families are rivals, she knew it could never work. And now that both their fathers have been nabbed on racketeering charges, any real chance at a future with the man she loves has been shot to hell. But a greater blow is yet to come. 

Not only does Lee learn that a contract is out on her life, she has reason to believe that Oliver is behind the devastating betrayal. Now she’s working closely—very closely—with Federal Agent Sean Callahan to help bring her man down. But however she’s come to feel about Callahan, Lee is still deeply, hopelessly, unabashedly in love with Oliver. 

Where that fearless love takes Lee next is beyond her control—but the risk is worth every beat of her heart. 

On the Run Series:
My Review of Outside the Lines Here

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My Thoughts:

Over the Line is the second book in the On the Run Series, and is the story of Lee Delgado and Oliver Savoca.  In book 1, Outside the Lines, we learned that the Delgado Family was in witness protection.  Their father, Felix Delgado, the head of the largest and most powerful Sicilian mafia crime family, is serving time in prison.  After an unknown enemy attempted to kill one of the Delgado siblings, they were relocated to Port St. Mary, Florida.  The Delgado's have made a new life for themselves, but Lee can never forget the son of a rival mafia organization, Oliver Savoca.

Oliver and Lee met over a year ago in grad school.  Lee believed that the Savoca's were responsible for the murder of her beloved mother, and so she plotted her revenge against Oliver.  Simultaneously, Oliver planned to get close to Lee, as a means to extract information on the Delgado organization.  A year later, Lee sabotaged the Savoca's gambling website, and if Oliver doesn't find her in enough time to fix it, he will be dead.  

Lee has mixed feelings about Oliver.  She grew to care about him, but knew that he was just using her as a means to get insider information.  However, Oliver fell in love with Lee.  He is determined to prove that he loves her, as well as getting to her in enough time to fix what she messed up; because he fears that his father will retaliate against him as well as Lee.  Can he get Lee to trust him before it's too late, and Lee or himself end up killed?

Over the Line was a great continuation of the On the Run series.  I grew more attached to the Delgado siblings, Rob, Lee, Grant, Ulie, and Sherm; and can't wait to read each of their stories.  In this continuation, we get Lee's and Oliver's point of views.  Lee is struggling to find her niche in Port St. Mary, and worries about the well-being of all of her siblings.  She is a nurturer, and has a mothering quality about her.  

Lee is bored and trying to find a job to keep her busy, but is struggling, due to the fact that she can't be honest about her qualifications and experience on her resume.  In the meantime, Deputy U.S. Marshall Wes Buchanan has shown a romantic interest in Lee.  He is a very good-looking nice guy, and Lee decides to give him a shot.

What we get is a very interesting dynamic where Lee is pulled in two different directions.  She must face her feelings for Oliver Savoca and decide if she can trust him, or if she should move in a different direction with Wes Buchanan.

Over the Line was a riveting read.  I was highly entertained, and on the edge of my seat with the escalating and suspense-filled plot.  There were sexy times, high octane chemistry, and lots of swooning!  The relationship with the Delgado siblings was realistic and one of my favorite aspects of the story.  They fought like cats and dogs, but would do anything for one another.  Grant's story should be next in the series, and Ms. Desrochers gave us the perfect ending that bridges this book to the next.   

My Rating:

I give, Over the Line, by Lisa Desrochers, 4 Dangerous Suspense, Titillating Seduction, On the Run, Taking a Risk Filled Stars.  Romance lovers that enjoy a suspenseful crime romance should check out the On the Run Series! 

Book Teaser:

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About Lisa Desrochers:

Lisa Desrochers is the author of the USA Today bestselling A Little Too Far series and the YA Personal Demons trilogy. She lives in northern California with her husband, two very busy daughters, and Shini the tarantula. There is never a time that she can be found without a book in her hand, and she adores stories that take her to new places and then take her by surprise. Connect with her online at, on her blog at, on Twitter at @LisaDez, and on Facebook at 

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