The Honeymoon Period
(The Austin Series #4)
C.J. Fallowfield
Published May 24th 2014
By Author Self Pub
ARC for Review
Book Four in The Austin Series which combines erotica, romance & humour.
The Honeymoon Period - Definition by is “The three month maximum period between a person’s entry into a new situation and a person’s complete screwing up of said situation or essential elements of it.”
While Mia took her operation and diagnosis in her stride, it has taken its toll on Gabe. He desperately wants to convince Mia to change her mind, to one day agree to marry him and start a family, but Mia is still weighted down by the baggage of her past.
Gabe also struggles with his slow recovery from the accident, while Mia finds his increasing mood swings and possessiveness more and more difficult to handle. The friction only adds to their scorching sexual compatibility.
Robert Austin, aware that Gabe wants more, presents Mia with a difficult choice. Deal with her commitment issues, or walk away from his son for good.
Lexi however seems to be making remarkable progress in her personal life, handling not only her miscarriage, but a new relationship with Doug. Is she strong enough to sustain it all?
The Austin Series is six books in total, and is designed to be read in the following sequence:
New Leaves, No Strings
Baggage & Buttons
Forever & an Engine
The Honeymoon Period
Love & Loss
Infinite Love

Broken Bones Can't Compare to a Broken Heart
What can I say about this series that I haven’t already said?.. Its just as amazing as I’ve come to expect from Fallowfield. Mia and Gabe are faced with different obstacles in their relationship. This installment really brought forward all of the frustrations these two usually keep bottled up. There is one thing for certain, these two really love each other. I am a mega fan of this series and these characters so I absolutely recommend it.
T-ired, Mia never expected to be the one nursing Gabe back to health.
H-elp, with Lexi and Doug tending to Gabe while Mia cannot she feels a little better.
E-venings, the accident has limited Gabe and Mia’s sex life but she does what she can to keep him happy.
H-ormones, just being in the hospital herself Mia understands Gabe’s frustration.
O-peration, talking about possibly having children isn’t something Mia is ready to deal with.
N-ightmares, Mia knows she has a lot of work to accomplish but she is not ready to deal with her demons.
E-nvironment, a change of scenery will do Mia and Gabe some good. Finally leaving the hospital is like a dream.
Y-earning, something about Gabe calls to Mia like a spell. She has given herself to him completely.
M-ystery, after looking into people and alibis no one seems to know who could have hit Gabe.
O-pportunity, a visit from Gabe’s father will bring many things to light fortunately Mia is able to see it for what it truly is.
O-pen, after a hurtful confession Mia will confide in Gabe’s father and together they come to a dually beneficial decision.
N-aive, Mia can’t understand why Gabe has been so different lately but the arguments only seem to be escalating in frequency.
P-ained, finding out he may never be able to do something he loves Gabe will lash out at the last person he ever wants to hurt.
E-vade, running is something Mia knows too well she will push Gabe as much as she needs to keep her sanity.
R-eflection, Gabe knows he has caused Mia a lot of pain but he can’t help his emotions she drives him crazy.
I-gnite, Mia will not stand for Gabe telling her what to do. Taking a stand against his machismo will push him to the limit.
O-bject, being far from Gabe and his temper is the only thing Mia can think about. She refuses to be his toy to treat and do what he pleases with.
D-etermined, Mia has never been so scared of Gabe he has actually hurt her. Breaking up with him should be the least of her concerns.
That ending was pretty shocking. I could not believe it was my Mia and Gabe. I have to say since I love these two so much and I want them to be happy a lot of the things they did to each other rubbed me the wrong way. They are both so broken but I know they're trying so I hope they find the help they need inorder to be together and happy. The sexy time is as always excellent I’m pretty sure I’m still blushing from some of the scenes in this installment. Hawt hawt hawt Fallowfield steams up the pages!
My Rating
4.5 Hospital, Shoulder, Classes, Trip, Proposal, Living Arangements, Milo, Temper, Frustraion, I quit, Pained Love filled stars! This is an amazing series every adult should pick up!
About the Author
I am a very young hearted 44 year old female from the United Kingdom. I enjoyed writing fictional stories as a child but, like many, long working hours in my career meant that I had little time for anything else. Finding myself in the fortunate position of now being able to work from home part time, I have been able to rekindle this long lost passion for storytelling. Writing aids include chocolate, Ben & Jerrys and copious amounts of coffee, wine or cider.
I'm intrigued but worried.