(For You #3)
Genna Rulon
Publication Date:
September 24, 2014
Cover Design:
G. Relyea
Genna Rulon
Publication Date:
September 24, 2014
Cover Design:
G. Relyea
"Life is messy. Love is messier.” –Catch and Release
Meg Adeio has led a life of isolation—not by choice, by necessity—until one act of heroism forces her out of seclusion. Despite a past shrouded in mystery, Meg is “adopted” by an eclectic group of friends that become the family she never had. Life was good for the first time in…ever.
Or it was until Westly Black reappeared on her doorstep. She knew he was the last man any woman should give her time to—only good for one thing—yet a temptation no woman could deny. Wes might make her life messy, but Meg’s eyes were wide open and she had it under control. At least she thought she did.
When past and present collide, loyalties are tested, forcing Meg to sacrifice her future to protect those she loves.
Temper For You is a gripping story of regret, deception, and redemption – filled with raw emotion, sarcastic wit, intrigue, and love’s propensity to forgive.
**This is the Final book of the For You series and can be read as a Standalone.**
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Peeling Layers Away
Wow the one word that can truly describe Ms. Rulon’s writing is simply put…Beautiful. I can not express how amazing this was. Temper For You is a story of isolation despair and finding the courage to face the impossible. This is unlike anything I’ve read its not your typical NA or Adult contemporary yes there is the college setting yes there is a budding romance but other than that every thing else is so much deeper. I fell hard for Meg straight away and it has been some time since I read the previous installment so my dislike for Wes wasn’t as strong as it would have been if I had read the books back to back. One thing was certain Wes never hid who he was and when confronted he was always upfront with his reasoning and motivations. This can be read as a stand alone but I recommend you meet all of the wonderful people in this rag tag bunch that will steal your heart, to get the full experience. Rulon gets a special teams punt return touchdown with this one.(I’m a football fanatic, what can I say)
T-rust, Meg risked her life for Sam now she has been adopted by the most amazing people she will ever know.
E-motions, always being kind but never letting anyone in Meg isolates herself from those that have come to love her dearly.
M-istakes, life has been extremely difficult for Meg and worst of all she blames herself heavily.
P-rinciples, Wes treads a fine line but he is brutally honest faced with the first woman to get under his skin he lashes out.
E-vade, regardless of how Wes makes Meg feel she will do what it takes to stay away. She loves Sam dearly and cannot forget the pain Wes caused her.
R-y, Wes’ life long friend will give him the words he needs to hear in order to pursue Meg. Relenting to go out with him one night leads to a confrontation Wes has been planning he will not let Meg get away this time.
F-rustration, not being able to experience what Meg’s friends have spent countless times describing will cause her to push Wes away. Being who he is Wes will not concede and together they find something truly special.
O-pportunity, from the very beginning Wes and Meg promised no commitment but Wes can not settle for one night or just a few. Agreeing on seeing their connection through these two will discover being apart is not an option.
R-estitution, Meg’s past has collided head on with her present opening up to her mentor holds the key to Meg’s freedom. With the help of her friends she will find a way to thrive.
Y-ielding, Wes has one cardinal rule and Meg’s unwillingness to open up will tear them apart. Though she is broken she will continue on her path to freedom. Trying to move past her shattered heart Meg accepts an invitation she didn’t want.
O-pponent, though no longer together Wes is invited to a game of poker that will change his life and tear down the walls he had erected. No longer able to deny the depth of his emotions he will seek out the truth. As painful as her past was Meg knows she must open up to Wes or risk losing him forever.
U-nrelenting, faced with danger means nothing to Wes. Meg has been denied so much in her life, losing someone close to her was the catalyst that brought her to the lions den. Wes plunges head first and does what it takes to see Meg through.
GAH!! Seriously I’m keeping this as spoiler free as possible but OMG that ending was an epic SHOWDOWN!! My heart broke for what Meg had to endure, but I rejoiced to see all of the support she had. Seriously y’all everyone needs some Huntleigh, GriffLo and WesRory in their lives. Trust me when I say this Ms. Rulon is a GENIUS! Her writing style is spec-flippin-tacular!! I can’t get enough these characters are truly amazing and hilarious and kind and all so different but together they make for a great ride. I highly recommend this if you can’t tell already! PERFECTION!!! Eeeeep! Fistpump! So many amazing feels right now, y'all don’t even know. ;)
My Fav's
GAH what can I say we are shrouded in mystery about her past for most of the book but we know its not good. I loved her kindness and she jived well with the rest of the characters. She was just what Wes needed. When she finally opened up to those that love her it was like a title wave of awesome. I could not believe all that she endured due to her past. I most admire her bravery and all she did to become the woman she is today.
Do not be fooled by his I’m a jerk bit this guy has depth! His life has not been easy but he is so strong and determined he took it by the balls and made something extraordinary out of it. Though yes he has a jerky side 1. who doesn’t? 2. it wasn’t what defined him. Once he has a goal everyone better stand back because Wes sees everything to the end. He was able to get Meg to open up and show her what love is. These two make me sigh I absolutely love them together.
My Wish
Ry…More, please. Much, more. ;)
My Rating
5.0 Bullet, Town House, Neighbor, Sam Adams, Ry, The Stop, Elusive O, Dinner, Friend Test, Emails, Burn Phone, Professor’s Promise, Huntleigh, GriffLo, Intervention, Jay, Thia, CG, Wire, FBI, Aurora, Barn, Burns, Determined Love Filled Stars!! Seriously this is a must READ!! All of these characters will reside in your heart.
Mikki's Review
I have been waiting for Temper For You, which is the third installment of the For You Series, since the moment I found out that Meg was getting her own story! I really connected with her, just like I did with the other characters of this series, and I was excited to read about her life journey. Oh boy! What an emotional and intense journey that our little Meg has!
In Temper For You, we follow Meg Adeio and Westly Black. These two are the last two people you would see together. On one side, we have Meg who is sweet and funny, and on the other we have Wes who is a-first-class douche nugget! Yup! Don't let those sexy eyes and body fool you ... He's an a**shole! When I found out who Meg's love interest would be I had a little ''freak out'' moment. I was like ... ''Really Genna?!?!?! That Westly Black?!?!?!'' lol!!! If you have read Pieces For You, you know exactly why I am saying this! lol!!! Since the moment they first met their attraction was undeniable. Unexpected circumstances made them take a different path, but destiny has brought them back together. When Wes enters Meg's life once again, Meg is not sure she can resist him. They try to fight their attraction, but eventually give in to it. The more days they spend together, the more they grow closer. When Meg's mysterious past comes literally crashing back into her life, Meg will have to make decisions that will change her life and the life of the people that she loves.
This was a very intense book! I love Genna Rulon's writing style ... it's freakin' PHENOMENAL! I really wish she could write a character just for me so that I could hang out with this FANTASTIC cast of characters. *Ahem* A bookworm can wish, right? lol!!! Ria, my co-blogger, is wishing for the same thing ... Right Ria? ;) I can't get enough of Ev, Hunter, Sam, Griffin, Meg and Wes. I love them to pieces and I wish that series would never end! When I read a book I want to be able to connect with the main couple of the story, but with the support cast of characters as well. The author does an amazing job at making us feel the connection between all these characters. I really loved all of the moments that these beautiful characters shared together and they will always hold a special place in my heart!
Going into Meg's story I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was going to be intense because Only For You and Pieces For You left me with no nails!!! I was such a mess! I have to admit that this one had me waiting for that bitting nails moment, but Oh.my.shit!!!!!! When I learned what was hiding in Meg's past I was like .... '' Wait a minute!!! What in the world?!?!?!'' I was lost in Wes and Meg's sexy world one moment and then BAM!!!!! My heart drops to the floor! I did not see that coming at all!!!! I had to reread some parts because I was like ... What?!?!?! My heart broke into a million pieces for Meg. She was so courageous to leave that past behind.
Wes and Meg's relationship was beautiful and heartwarming! They grew a lot as individuals and as a couple. They both took risks and they learned to trust each other with their feelings. I am so happy about the transformation that Wes did. He went from a cold a**hole to a tender man who wanted to love and cherish the girl who made him believe in love. Meg was a phenomenal character who literally stole my heart! She's so strong and she did whatever it took to keep her friends and the man she loves safe. Their chemistry is crazy addictive and I had a blast swooning, crying, screaming and laughing with them! Don't even get me started on Huntleigh and GriffLo! Oh my God!!! My belly still hurts from all the laughing I did! I love how they played a major role in MegLy's journey! My favorite was Sam! That girls is HILARIOUS!!! An automatic smile was on my face the entire time she was in a scene. This girl is Cray! Cray! lol!!!
Overall, Temper For You exceeded all of my expectations! I can't wait to see what is next! I was happy to learn that I will see these amazing characters in upcoming books by Genna Rulon. Eeeeep! My heart is so happy!!! <3
Genna Rulon is a contemporary romance author with a passion for blending comedy, tragedy, suspense, and hope to create her “book babies.”
During her 15 years in the corporate world, Genna—inspired by her love of reading—fantasized about penning her own stories. Encouraged by her favorite authors, many of whom are indie writers and self-published, she committed to pursue her aspirations of writing her own novels.
Genna was born in California and raised on Long Island in New York, where she still resides, surrounded by the most amazing family and friends. She’s married to a wonderful man who patiently tolerates her ramblings about whichever book she is currently working on—even feigning interest relatively convincingly! Genna is blessed with two little boys who do their best to thwart mommy's writing time with their hilarious antics and charming extrapolations.
All of Genna’s books are brought to you courtesy of coffee and Disney Junior.
During her 15 years in the corporate world, Genna—inspired by her love of reading—fantasized about penning her own stories. Encouraged by her favorite authors, many of whom are indie writers and self-published, she committed to pursue her aspirations of writing her own novels.
Genna was born in California and raised on Long Island in New York, where she still resides, surrounded by the most amazing family and friends. She’s married to a wonderful man who patiently tolerates her ramblings about whichever book she is currently working on—even feigning interest relatively convincingly! Genna is blessed with two little boys who do their best to thwart mommy's writing time with their hilarious antics and charming extrapolations.
All of Genna’s books are brought to you courtesy of coffee and Disney Junior.
You can find Genna online at: www.gennarulon.com
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