Hosted by YA Bound Book Tours
Banished from Grace (Banished from Grace,#1)

Goodreads Summary
Nardia is a very special nurse, one with a unique gift. With the touch of her bare hands, she can heal any physical ailment. With the help of her angel guide, Benilde, Nardia has healed her way through countless centuries.
Life should be easy for this attractive (not to mention, immortal) woman, but throw in two handsome men, a coffee addiction and memory loss that dates back to the medieval ages, and you’ve got a life that’s more than complicated.
When she meets AJ at her favorite coffee shop, she can’t help but feel an immediate attraction to him. At the same time, she knows there’s more to his story than what he’s letting on. And then there’s the handsome Doctor Regan, who she feels a connection with, but is she trying to make it more than is really there in order to spare her the heartbreak of being with AJ?
Only adding to her problems is the new resident, Dr. Jeffries, who seems out to get her from day one, and a murder case she can’t help solve without revealing her own secrets.
Can Nardia uncover the secrets of her own past while still moving forward and saving those in need of her help in the present?

The Way I See It
Banished From Grace was a bit different than what I’m used to as far as Angel Paranormal is concerned. Which I loved BTW. I had a good time reading this story, even though there where some moments I was a little frustrated with the way the characters were behaving. I’m hungry, H-U-N-G-R-Y, like give me more! OMG, when does the next book come out?! There were times I wanted to shake Nardia, and times I felt like I needed to defend her. Is it the Libra in me? Maybe, but I could see where she was coming from, and I could reason with why she was doing some of the things she did...
B-eginning, Nardia wakes up not knowing who she is, or where she came from.
A-ssigned, by a mysterious angel to help heal those Nardia choses to save.
N-ew, every so often Benilde will instruct Nardia to move and start over.
I-ndecision, Benilde will order Nardia against her judgment to save a life.
S-hielded, from who she was. She meets AJ who seems to know how to affect her.
H-arry, a child who is special. Nardia will do what it takes to save him.
E-nvy, Jessica a fellow nurse, feels threatened by Nardia, and the attention she receives.
D-estined, Nardia belongs to AJ, but she is given the order to ignore her heart against her desires to be with him.
F-uture, focused on Regan, Nardia can see herself chosing the safer love.
R-eprieve, from her current turmoil AJ’s music will make her soul soar.
O-btaining evidence, Nardia will do what she must to reunite a family and prove a man's innocence.
M-other, posing as daughter, Nardia realizes she must share Gladys with her true love. Gladys’ wishes are to love AJ as she would a son.
G-ladys, loving and brave, she wants her mother to take chances and be happy.
R-egan, entranced by the new doctor, will defend and side with him against Nardia.
A-J, not who he claimed to be upon meeting Nardia. He has searched relentlessly for her, now that he’s found her, it may be too late.
C-hoice, Nardia’s heart and mind are tearing her apart. She doesn’t know what to do.
E-clipsed, the new doctors true colors are brought to light.
No major cliffhanger, but there was definately an ah-ha moment there at the end...You know that “lightbulb” moment that makes so many things clearer. Well, now I’m all “antsy in the pantsys” for what happens next...
Here are my questions. Who is Benilde? Will Nardia grow a pair? WTF new Doc?..Is Regan who he says he is? Will Jessica stop being such a Bee-yotch? What about Harry? OMG, I can't WAIT to find out all about Harry! So so so many things... #whyicantsleepatnight
My Fav’s
She is amazing and I love her. All she wants is her “Mum’s” (insert British accent) happiness. She is such a pleasant addition to the story. I just adore schmore her!
Wow, talk about giving a guy a break! Love was what got him in trouble, and he still loves Nardia deeply. I really want these two to end up together. Seriously, I want little AJ and Nardia babies running around! I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one.
My Rating
3.5 Brom, Benilde, Gladys, Murder, Alcohol, Taxi, Latte, Doubles, Healing, Music, Destiny filled stars! I have so many questions or I would have rated this story more...I am highly anticipating more answers in the upcoming books, so I’m sure my rating will increase :) I recommend this book for anyone that loves Angels, Paranormal, and love triangles, with a dollop of sexy steamy action. ;)
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About the Author
I am an author with Limitless Publishing who loves to write YA and paranormal romance.
3 e-book copies of Banished From Grace (INT)
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This is exactly how I felt about Banished from Grace! There is just so much information that I still need to know. Just when the book was starting to get interesting for me, and it ends in a cliff-hanger. I think the second book will be better and hopefully some of our questions get answered :).