Published March 23rd 2017
by Author Self Pub
When Kate Tennison returns to the low country of South Carolina it’s with her tail tucked between her legs. She doesn’t want to be there and face the love of her life, who’s now married with a child. Distance has not broken the spell of fear that surrounds why she ran from her home in the first place. Her story is a tragic one.
Mom in rehab.
Father dead.
Career annihilated.
When we run from something looking back over our shoulder, we miss the scars on the arms that now hold us.
Can the magic of the water heal her wounded heart or does something dangerous lurk underneath the perfect features of the new man she’s decided to take a chance on?

Running Away Often Ends With a Crash
My eyeballs hurt. Like seriously, my eyeballs are in pain right this very second. I shouldn’t be surprised by the level of awesome R.L. Griffin’s books exude. Here we are again me completely floored by the amazing talent that is this rockstar author. This last year has been a difficult one life has totally kicked my ass. I promise that’s the last time I mention that in a review but I am ready to kick ass back. Bleed the Water Red has left me breathless. Seriously I read the name Delilah my eyes perked…I read the name amber and there was a gnawing at my insides. This book is a must read through and through. If you have an opportunity, go buy this book now. If you do not have an opportunity, make one it’s that good. I have been following Griffin’s writing for a long time now and she never disappoints. Regardless of the title, location, theme, or levity she captures everything so well and projects it perfectly in the readers mind.
The Story, this is no Manbuns and Martini’s guys Bleed the Water Red is haunting this title will stay with you and share a piece of your soul. This book will captivate and consume you. The type of all consuming, stay up all night with zero respect for the next day because this is that good captivating. One of the many things I love about Griffin’s books is they tie into the others in small ways. When I catch a connection something magical happens and I hope she continues to write this way. This story is about life and the way it kicks you in the teeth when you least expect it. I wanted so much for these characters both good and bad. Though this is a standalone there is an exhilarating connection that I was thrilled to see!
The Characters, I loved the characters from beautifully broken to, frighteningly deranged. This story follows Kate her life changes by a tragic event. Running from her nightmares she tries to pursue something she is not cut out for. After giving into the truth she has no choice but to return home regroup and figure out what’s next in her life. With the support of her best friend she will figure out how to blend her broken side with her warrior side and begin to take chances and risk her heart once more. There is a man from her past that haunts her and a new love interest that intrigues her. I can’t really go too much into these two for fear of giving away spoilers but know your heart will tell you to feel a certain way but crushing events may or may not have your head spinning.
The End, this is the part that made my eyeballs hurt. The pain stems from all of the balling and bulging and fainting my eyes did. Talk about a work out. The end doesn’t have rainbow farting unicorns popping out of the pages so don’t expect that. There is a lot of resonating pain that may never fully go away. What you can expect is justice with a dash of injustice but isn’t that how life works. We want everything to be perfect but no matter how hard we try or want there will always be pain and loss. I am very happy and dare I say relived at the way things ended. I look forward to seeing what is next from Griffin!
My Rating
5.0 Funeral, Pita, Rental, Loony Lux, Execution, Octopus, Blue, Mom Dress, Red Heels, Short Shorts, Kayak, Graduation, Love Lost, Love Found, Little Grace, Grace Period, Parking Garage, Randall, Glass Windows Were a Good Choice, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Waves Crashing LOVE FILLED STARS!!
R.L. Griffin lives in the Atlanta area and is surrounded by awesome dudes: her husband, son and two dogs. She went to law school at American University, Washington College of Law, but only after she fell in love with D.C. R.L. worked in the Senate during the impeachment trial and wanted to stay. After law school, she worked for a bit in the area, then moved to Atlanta. If you ask anyone who knows R.L., they know she loves reading and reads all sorts of books. Any free time she has she’s either reading, writing or drinking with friends.
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