Threats of Sky and Sea
(Threats of Sky and Sea #1)
Jennifer Ellision
Published May 20th 2014
by Createspace
ARC for Review
Sixteen year-old Breena Perdit has spent her life as a barmaid, innocent to her father’s past and happily free from the Elemental gifts that would condemn her to a life in the Egrian King’s army. Until the day that three Elemental soldiers recognize her father as a traitor to the throne and Bree’s father is thrown in jail—along with the secrets from his last mission as the King’s assassin. Secrets that could help the King win a war. Secrets he refuses to share.
Desperate to escape before the King’s capricious whims prove her and her father’s downfall, Bree bargains with him: information for their lives. It’s a good trade. And she has faith she’ll get them both out of the King’s grasp with time.
But that was before the discovery that she’s the weapon the King’s been waiting for in his war.
Now, time is running out. To save her father’s life and understand her own, Bree must unravel the knot of her father’s past before the King takes his life– and uses her to bring a nation to its knees.

Axe’s Are A Girl’s Best Friend
I was very excited about reading Threats of Sea and Sky…Good NEWS peeps this was a GREAT READ!!! Gah!! ALMOST perfect on the first installment?.. That’s saying a lot…I’m so excited about the next books in this series!! I need them like now. There is a pretty serious cliffhanger/ promise at the end that has me panting…PANTING for the next! This is my first book by Jennifer Ellision but it certainly won’t be my last. I read the blurb and was interested enough but man oh man the BOOK WAS SO MUCH MORE! I was swept away into another world and this was a great escape! Fantasy for sure with paranormal elements. The world, the kingdoms, the characters, the plot, the twists, I’m in serious #fangirl with Bree. Bravo Ellision Bravo!!
The Story, Bree’s life is absolutely wonderful she has a loving father and a decent gig. She comes across her destiny and it follows her home. Captured and completely lost Bree is tossed into a world she doesn’t understand. All she wants is her father free and to make a quiet home somewhere far from the mad man who passes himself as King. Bree is given the task of getting information out of her father but all she wants to do is get out. She is isolated and feels like a prisoner in a gilded cage trusting the wrong people will prove to be her down fall once and only once. Or so she thinks, there are plans underway and these plans lead to the death of countless innocents. Along with trying to find a way of freeing her father Bree will join a misfit group of nobles that want to see a kingdom of peace. Bree discovers so many disconcerting things that her judgment is tested, her actions were not the best but it’s the hand she was dealt. I look forward to seeing how Bree will handle the next phase of her life…Because if she felt out of place before?!! Things are really going to get wild now that she knows about the treasure.
The Characters, as I mentioned I’m in serious #FanGirl with Bree…I love this gal she rocked it for me. Her personality and determination where major highlights. Her character was extremely normal yet determined. Yeesh I’m not sure I’m doing a good enough job of describing her but just know although she isn’t physically strong her character is very, very strong. I’ve been without a great lead gal for some time so this was a refreshing douse of awesome! Caden…OH CADEN!! WHAT?! When did that happen? So Caden as I mentioned is a wonderful character something I wanted happens towards the end but it comes out of nowhere and I mean nowhere. I welcomed it and I want more…I wish I had more but this story doesn’t revolve around romance so don’t expect it. What you can comfortably expect is a great read with great characters.
The End, Oh boy I experienced one of those old horror movie moments…you know where the girl goes to the car and can’t find her keys…then BAM! The boogie man has found you!! If only you had your KEYS!!!! LOL it wasn’t quite like that but towards the end I felt like I was in a tunnel yelling at Bree, saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! As I mentioned before this is the hand she has been dealt and I just know she come out on top! Bree has a fire and a personality that cant be beat. If wishes come true I really want her to be reunited with her axe. Insert windy face here -____. She has some growing to do in all aspects and I can’t wait to see what is next for this wonderful new world!
My Rating
4.5 Forest, Axe, Wind, Fire, Ale, Prison, King, Prince, Princess, Adept, Navy, Maps, Assassin, Red, Purple, Babe, Kiss, Wind, Fire, Water, Knife, Wardrobe, Wanting to run but rooted to the spot, blossoming love filled stars!
About The Author
Jennifer Ellision was born and raised in South Florida and lives in perpetual fear of temperatures below 60F. She spent a great deal of her childhood staying up past her bedtime with a book and a flashlight. When she couldn't find the stories she wanted to read, she started writing them. She has an OTP, loves character analysis, and is a master of the fangirl flail, with a particular soft spot for fanfiction. She frequently bursts into song (and they are often of a Disney persuasion). Sailor Moon is one of her favorite things on this planet.
Threats of Sky and Sea is her first novel.
Wonderful review! I like Bree just from reading this :) I love strong female characters too and rarely find them in books, so that's definitely another form of motivation for me to start this one. Thanks for your honest feedback. Love the cover too!